Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Get Steamed: Steamed Banana Pudding

Yum, but not good for dieters because bananas are full of natural sugars.
I had 2 overripe bananas sitting on my counter, ready to go bad.  I didn't feel like a smoothie (I bought them for that purpose, but it's too cold).  I don't like eating overripe bananas raw.  I hate throwing them away.

So, I googled for quick banana recipes.  I found a few, but this warm pudding sounded just right for a cold night.  I modified the super easy "sexy banana" recipe I found on Modern Paleo Warfare (original) to make it dairy free.  It's not low calorie or low carb.  Bananas are calorie and carb dense.  Every banana has 27 grams of carbs and 118 calories, so it's hard to find a low carb banana recipe.  Bananas are one of the few fruits people trying to lose weight should avoid.
Moist and kind of bread like, similar to spotted dick.

Since I'm just trying to eat whole, healthier foods, bananas are fine with me.

Steamed Banana Pudding  
(makes 2 servings)
1 egg
2 large bananas
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup of almond flour
3/4 cups of coconut milk
cinnamon to taste
  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a blender.
  2. Pour the mixture (it will be runny) into greased ramekins. It doesn't rise much so you can fill them almost to the top.
  3. Bake at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Turn out of pan like you would an upside down cake.  You can top with whipped cream.  There actually is a dairy free whipped cream that's only 1 carb per serving, but a serving is much smaller than pictured in the photos.
I think next time, I might throw in a handful of chocolate chips.  That would be divine.  
Fresh out of the oven.

Nutrition Facts for Steamed Banana Pudding

Amount Per Serving (makes 1)

Calories:  485
Total fat: 31.2 g
Protein: 15.4 g
Total carbohydrate:  40 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 9 g
  • Sugar: 19 g

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