Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Tragedy: Weakness and Warriors

As I came home from work yesterday, before the bombing, I was contemplating how much of our lives are dependent on other people.  I was stopped at a red light and I was thinking, any of these people could kill me right now.  Even grocery shopping, or at work.  Anyone could easily kill me.  All it takes is a gun, or a knife or anything.  There are so many times during the day that I'm basically unprotected from other humans.  There's not even a wall between them and me.  So much trust between us.

Physically, humans are pretty weak.  I'm surprised we've been so successful as species.  Chimps and gorillas are so much stronger than us.  They're so much harder to kill than we are.  The only reason we've survived for so long is because we really do help each other out.  We don't often go after our own.  We know, at some basic Darwinian level, that we are weak.  We need each other.

When I got home I started thinking about some warriors I know.  People who I would have never classified as weak.  People running the Boston marathon that morning.  I posted a "Good luck" on Facebook to my friends, who I knew were running and went to bed.  When I woke up and switched on the TV, my wind whirled.  It was around 4:00 Boston time.  What? Someone bombed the marathon? The most prestigious marathon in the US?  It doesn't make sense.

I was talking to a non-runner friend last night who said, "I'm glad Boston isn't one of the ones you decided to do."  I commented, "I want to do Boston, but I'm not good enough.  They don't let scrubs like me in."  It occurred to me after talking to her that most non-runners just think Boston is another race.  It's a big deal for a runner to run Boston.  It's a race most aspire to run.  You have to qualify (and be quite fast) to run the race and people come from all over the world.  It's "THE" marathon.  Some of the best runners in the world were there. 

The best runners were probably already finished by 4:09.  That's an average marathon time.  To put it in perspective, if you finished a qualifying race at 4:09, you wouldn't be allowed to register at Boston (you have to be quicker).   The time when the largest number of people would finish an average marathon (I'm sure it's the same at Boston.  Just because you have a faster qualifying time doesn't mean you're always fast, and they have some people who run for charity without qualifying).   The bomb was clearly meant for the masses and not the few first finishers.

The photos from yesterday are horrific, but I'm sure being there was even worse.  What did the runners, the warriors who I think of as strong and fearless do?  They ran, but many didn't run away.  They ran to help the people in need.  They ran to the blood banks to donate.  They ran into the mess to help clean it up.  People who had just run 26.2 miles, not an easy feat, gave blood, picked people off the ground, helped where they could.  That's amazing to me.  They really are warriors.

We do put ourselves at risk all the time. We're really at the mercy of the sanity of other people.  It doesn't have to be a car bomb or a gun, we're easily injured.  However, even in tragedy, we still help each other out.  There's something to be said for that.  When some other species would be running away, to protect themselves, we run in, to help others.  Maybe we're not so weak after all.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The 2013 Little Rock Marathon: Race Report

This weekend was my last marathon for this part of the year, the Little Rock Marathon!  It's my hometown marathon, my first marathon and my first half marathon.  I've done it every year since I started running (with the exception of one year when I was in Alaska).

It seems like every year I have some story at the Little Rock marathon.  Last year, it was a senior who grabbed my shoulder to lean on at the down and back and told me her legs felt too weak to continue,  but she would.  It was her dream to finish a marathon.  We walked to a water station together and she took off (finished ahead of me too).

This year, it was a young lady who was really struggling on the down and back (coincidentally, it's always the down and back where these stories happen).  I was struggling too.  This was my worse marathon ever. But, I'd been here before.  I could finish, just not as strongly and with as much fun as I normally do (I'm normally trying to cheer people on and having a great time the last 10 miles, I was in pain and it sucked).  This lady was feeling the same.  She pulled out a card that said believe in yourself and looked at me and said, "We're going to do this!  We can do it, girl."  At that point, I knew I looked rough.  Someone was trying to cheer me on!

I said, "There's only a 10 k left after that timing mat up there!  There's not much belief to it! We already finished the hard part.  The rest is cake!"  So, we started talking.  She said it was her first marathon and she said everything hurt and she's never running again.  I laughed and told her that I felt the same after my first marathon, but this was my 8th.  She'd be back.  "Once you cross the finish line and look back and see what you did...you just ran a marathon!  You're awesome.  So few people can do what you're doing now.  You never know.  You might be back."  She said, "I don't know, girl, we'll see.  I'm not even sure I can finish this one." I smiled and said, "You'll finish.  This has been a tough race, but anyone can do a 10k.  You're doing awesome.  You look way better than I did my first time.  You get a medal no matter what time you finish in."  At the last hill, she decided to slow down and I took off ahead of her, but I watched her finish.  She did great! [They actually ran out of medals. I didn't know this at the time, so I didn't even notice if she got one or not.  I saw her cross and cheered for her, and then took off for pizza.  I hope she really did get one.  I would have probably really quit if I didn't even get a medal.  I would have given her mine if I would have known they ran out!].   

Anyway, these stories are why I love marathons and why I don't mind being in the back.  I love how people meet defeat and pull everything they have for that last push to the finish.  It's inspiring.

My Race
This was my worst marathon ever.  It started out at 26 degrees (I did the early start) and didn't get much cooler.  I was still wearing my jacket at the finish.  Because of the cold, I wore two pairs of socks, two shirts, two pants.  I think the socks got me.  I was doing great (just ahead of the 6 hour pacer, and you can't be ahead or you'll get disqualified if you early start) up until about the half, thinking I was killing it because the pace was easy.  My plan was to keep up with the six hour guys until the elites passed and then take off.  Then, my feet started to get tender.  I could feel a blister forming.  By the big Kavanaugh hill, they were awful.  I could barely go downhill at any speed at all.  Ouch.  I was in pain and limping a little and my walk breaks were getting longer and longer.

Not to self: never wear something on race day you haven't trained in.  How many times have I said that to others?  I never get blisters.  Not even once.  Today, because of the blister, my hip hurts, my knee hurts, my food hurts.  The blister changed my stride and threw everything else off.  Two days later, I am still feeling it.  I'm normally bouncing around again the evening after.  Crazy.

Anyway, after the downhill, I decided to walk the rest of the way, time be damned.  I just wanted to finish.  I did.  That's all that matters.

The Course
You can kind of see the last hill here.
Everyone in Little Rock jokes about the hills.  It has an elevation gain of 727 feet according to my Garmin.  I think the reason Fort Worth seemed more hilly is that it has one big hill.  Little Rock's hill (Kavanaugh) is less steep, but longer.  Around mile 13, runners go up a long hill that continues a few miles and goes back down (from 300 feet in elevation to about 500 feet in elevation).  That hill is bad, but what is worse is the hill that appears around mile 24.  It's like, "What? ANOTHER HILL.  F-you marathon!"  But, you know that the finish is right around the corner, so the hill isn't that bad.

Aside from the hills, the course is awesome. It goes through all of the major sites of Little Rock and downtown North Little Rock: you run through the Quapaw Quarter, see the Arkansas State Capitol, the Clinton Presidential Center, the Governor's Mansion, MacArthur Military Museum, Historic Little Rock Central High School and end and start in the Little Rock River Market District. It really is a great way to see the city.

The Theme & Crowd

Little Rock is a fun marathon.  Everything is themed.  This year, they had a western theme.  The expo was full of horses and hay stacks.  A few years back they had a circus theme.  They had performers and clowns.  The medals always match the theme and, for the past few years, have been ridiculously large.  You can tell they have a great time putting the event on, and I really love how much dedication they have to the theme every year.

It's also got great crowd support.  I love everything about this marathon.  The shortcut map sign was just in someone's yard.  Love it!

The Medal

It's huge, 'nuff said.

Even though this year sucked, I still love the Little Rock Marathon.  I think every bling lover in the world should come and check it out.  You can't beat the bling or the people you'll meet.

Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 Cowtown Marathon Race Report

This weekend, I did the Cowtown Challenge in Forth Worth, Texas.  The challenge is to do a race on Saturday and a race on Sunday.  On the 23, I did the 10k (they also had a 5k).  On the 24th, I did the whole marathon (they also had a half and an ultra which was, I think, 8 miles extra).

The weather started out cold.  The 10k was dreadful.  I think it was still in the 30s when I finished.  The marathon heated up to the 60s, but started in the 30s.


First of all, I loved how the marathon centered in the Will Rogers Center in Forth Worth.  The expo was there and post race food was also there.  This gave spectators a place to hang out that was heated (it was about 33 degrees in the morning), and runners a place to sit down after the race.  They had tables and chairs setup for the marathon.  This is the only race I've done with an indoor meeting spot, and I liked it.

The organization of the actual race was really nice.  I didn't have any problems picking up my packet, even though I had registered for both races months apart (I didn't learn about the challenge until later).  I got my packet and a tech shirt for the marathon, a t-shirt for the 10k and a t-shirt for the challenge.  They also give a finisher's shirt.  The finisher's shirt was a bright red, long-sleeved tech shirt.  It was nice.  I love races that give finishers shirts.  Everyone was nice and helpful.

The expo had lots of free stuff, like always.  They had free 26.2/13.1 Cowtown car stickers.  I hardly ever see those for free.  Most of the other stuff was standard protein bars, yogurt, pens, bags, etc.  They had lots of clothes and shoes you could buy.  The official Cowtown Merchandise was a little expensive, but you don't expect much of a discount at a race expo.


When I was looking at February races, I knew I had a race at the first of March.  I asked a few friends about this marathon and they told me that Fort Worth was fast and flat, so I should do the Cowtown.  It would be no problem to do the Cowtown and then a race the next weekend because "the Cowtown is easy."  They lied.

I talked to someone on the course and they said there was a White Rock marathon in Dallas that really was fast and flat, but the Cowtown is hilly.  I'm going to be honest.  I thought it was pretty much all uphill.  A cop yelled to me at one point, "It's downhill for a few miles after this turn!" and I said, "Yeah right, I think EVERYTHING in Texas is uphill.  Is that even possible?" and he laughed and said, "No really.  It's downhill."  It was downhill for a bit, but then another hill.  I was sorry I left my Fitbit at home by accident because I would have gotten awesome hill credit (I tried to buy a new one, but neither Wal-mart nor Best Buy in Forth Worth had them).
Total elevation gain: 570 feet

All races start and end at the Will Rogers Memorial Center.  The half, the whole and the ultra all start in the same place and split later.

The marathon course was really nice.  It first passes through the Greenwood Memorial Park and near the cemetery.  It's a pretty nice run, with trees and birds (but on pavement).  I enjoyed this part of the run.  It was a nice, peaceful warmup.  Then you hit some city streets.

The next major site is at around mile 6. I had read on the map you run through "stockyards."  I don't know anything about Fort Worth, so I was picturing running through cow dung and dirt.  This is actually a historic stockyard that's been turned into a shopping and restaurant district.  If you've never been to Forth Worth, many of the streets have patches covered in cobblestone bricks.  The whole area of the stockyard was covered in this.  It's very uneven, bumpy and a little tough on your feet.  It was quite nice scenery wise.  There were cowboys hanging out to cheer the runners on. As I ran through, I saw a sign that said the stockyard is the home of twice daily cattle drives. I made a mental note to go back later.  The stockyards had a lot of race support.  Lots of people cheering.  It was the perfect mile 6 pick-me-up.

[I went back at 4 to see the cattle drive.  It wasn't really that great, but the kids who were watching loved it.  About four cowboys (some of the same that watched the race go through) chased about six longhorn cows slowly down the stockyard main road.  I joked that the marathon runners ran through faster than the cattle.  I did hit a cupcake shop and Riscky's BBQ.  Yum! I earned those calories.]

After the stockyards, the marathon hits flat, paved streets until mile 9.  I was talking to a runner when we passed a mile marker (8 I think).  She said, "Shit.  I hate mile 9 and 10." I hadn't really looked at the course elevation map.  I only looked at the sights.  I said, "Really? What's at mile 9 and 10?"  She said, "You'll see soon enough."  Well, I did.  Mile 9 goes straight up (it seems), and you can see the hill from the bottom.  It was about a half a mile straight up into heaven.  That hill separates the men from the boys.  Mile 10ish goes downhill, though, but after a large uphill, downhill can be just as bad. The course goes up and down after that, but that was the worst of it.

I'm a back of the pack run/walker, and I noticed that I was running with mostly half marathoners.  I was a little worried about the half marathon split.  I didn't think I was last.  I was actually making 13-14 minute miles.  I was still worried.  The split was around mile 10.5.  The cop at the split saw my yellow sign and said, "You go this way, unless you're giving up on us!"  I said, "No, I'm great!  I'm not giving up." I was sure I was looking at him like he was crazy.  I think he was kidding, but did I look that bad?  I felt great . . . should I give up?   I was a little paranoid at that point that I was *too* far back, even though my Garmin said otherwise.   Still, I took the marathon turn.

After the course veers off, the marathon goes under a bridge.  I felt so alone under the bridge.  I didn't see anyone behind me or in front of me.  I was thinking, "Crap, I'm going to get lost in downtown Fort Worth!"  Still, I kept running and skipping my walk breaks.  I wanted to see someone...ANYONE.  I was so relieved when I heard cowbells.  At least I knew I was heading in the right direction.  They were around the next water station, and I saw a group of runners.  Thank goodness. I decided I would keep up with them for the rest of the run, but I eventually passed them.  Soon after I caught those guys, I saw more people.  There were some people behind us too. I felt relieved and invigorated.

This next part of the marathon, which goes through some residential areas, was not very well marked.  The pavement was marked with blue arrows in spots, and there were traffic cones in most spots, but there were some areas where it wasn't immediately clear which direction to go.  It was relief when I went the way I thought we should go and then saw a marker or traffic cone.  Also, in this area, the traffic wasn't stopped for us slow guys.  An SUV almost ran over the lady directly in front of me.  I think the traffic cones were designed to have traffic only use the one lane and yield to the other side, but this guy had somewhere to go and he wasn't going to yield.  There were lots of residents in their yards with signs, some offering tootsie rolls, bananas, beer, etc.

I was relieved when we hit the parks.  It says on the map we ran through Forest Park Trail, which looked like a paved recreational trail.  We shared it with non-marathon walkers and bikers.  I loved it.  Then we went through Overton Park, near a golf course (the traffic here at the intersection was a little hairy too, if I remember correctly).  The last few miles were along Trinity Park.  We also shared that with recreational users, including some kids who were cheering us on.  I liked this part of the course, even though it was sidewalk.  It overlooked the water and was just a nice path.  I see why Fort Worth residents run and walk so much!

The finish has a few twists and turns were you think, "It's here...wait" but I didn't have much of a problem with it.  The Will Rogers Center is a massive complex.  Race organizers were quick with the medal and water.

The After Event

I heard some people complaining that you had to walk across the Will Rogers Center to get your finisher's shirt.  The finisher shirts were in the same place as the expo.  I didn't mind, but I'm not fast so I wasn't in pain.  It would have been nice to have some tables outside.  You also had to go in to get your challenge medal.  I thought it was nice to go in there and sit down and enjoy your post-race snack anyway.

I also heard some complaining that you had to stand in line for food. One of the great things about being back of the pack is that there was no line.  They were throwing entire cartons of yogurt at me.  The milk guy gave me six chocolate milks.  I got as many protein bars as I wanted, a whole thing of bananas, apples.  It was like a shopping trip.  For the 10k, where I was quicker, I did stand in line for 20 minutes to get a little bit of food.  I can see where that would be bad if you had just run a 3 hour marathon.  Most races I've done have had more food tables, so traffic goes quicker, but this really didn't seem that bad to me.  At least there was food to go around.  I've done some races where the back of pack runners don't have any food left at all.

The Event Hotel
If I did this event again, I would stay at the Hilton.  I stayed at the Sheraton.  I stayed there because they were the event's hotel and they said they would give you late check-out.  They denied me late checkout because, "So many people are asking for it, we can't allow it."  Of course they are. You advertised that as a perk of staying with you.  

Another downside is that the Sheraton's restaurant was not that great and it's not really within walking distance of anything better.  When asked, the guy at the desk said, "Depends on how far walking distance is to you?"   I noticed on the shuttle ride that the Hilton was a lot closer to good places to eat.

The Sheraton's restaurant doesn't have a very big, varied menu.  I wouldn't have been able to eat  there more than once and not eat the same thing.   I thought it was funny that it offers a pasta special.  I asked about it.  They gave me a blank look and said, "I don't think there is a pasta special this weekend."  I know eating pasta before a race is a myth, but I joked, "On marathon weekend, there is no pasta?" and she just stared at me.  That doesn't make them bad.  It seems funny that the hotel "hosting" the event doesn't (she did eventually tell me, after I ordered the chicken, they had seafood pasta and lasagna).

The parking lot is not very convenient at the Sheraton and the valet actually claimed to have lost my car for a good 15 minutes marathon morning.  He found it, but how disorganized is that?   They did have a shuttle to the race, but since I had to check-out, I just drove to the race.  I took the shuttle for the 10k and it was fine.  It just seemed like this hotel, from the check-in, to the restaurant to the valet, was very disorganized.  I'm not used to paying so much for such a bumbling experience.

That being said, the rooms were large, clean and nice.  There are no fridges in the room, which I would have liked.  They also have a spa.  I wouldn't stay there again.  The only reason I paid the premium was for guaranteed late check-out, which I was denied by two different members of hotel staff.


Overall, it was a fun race.  I don't think I would have visited Forth Worth otherwise.  I took a trip to the zoo and saw the stockyard areas and a cattle run.  The city seems like a nice little city and I'm glad I went!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fit For a King: King Cakes for Two (or three)

Traditional King Cake isn't really cake.  It tastes more like a cinnamon roll that got in a paintball fight.   It's delicious, but the problem with a traditional King Cake is that it feeds about 24 people.  I think some bakeries in New Orleans and places that really celebrate Fat Tuesday in style make smaller ones, but here, if you want a king cake, you've got to have a party of people.
I wanted to make King Cake for two, so I tried to make cupcakes.  The first time I made this recipe, it only made four.  That's perfect.  Today, it made five.  With any bread, the moisture in the air changes the amount of ingredients you use.  I probably used a bit more flour.  Either way, I think two people could clean up these and not feel too fat and sugar laden afterwards.

Traditionally, the whole point of King Cake is to find the baby.  You can put a baby in one of these if you like (or some other signifier).  I mentioned it in the recipe, but I'll say it here too.  The baby is made of plastic.  Do not cook the baby in the King Cake.  Real King Cakes have the baby inserted after the cake is cooled, but before it's glazed (it's pushed up through the bottom of the cake).  You're going to have a mess if you cook a plastic baby inside your dough.

King Cake Cupcakes (for two)
(Serves 2-3, nutrition calculated for two)
  • 1 tablespoon of warm milk
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar, divided in half
  • 1 tablespoon of melted butter
  • a drop of vanilla
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 3/4 cup of white flour + extra
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, divided in half
  • a pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar (a couple of tablespoons is really all you need)
  • food coloring

    1. Combine the butter, egg and vanilla, and set aside.
    2. Combine the flour, half the cinnamon and salt.  Add liquids.  Add extra flour until the dough becomes the consistency of cinnamon roll dough or bread dough.
    3. Let the dough rise for about an hour.
    4. Roll the out dough into a small rectangle (about 8 by 4)
    5. Sprinkle the remaining sugar and cinnamon onto the dough.  
    6. Roll the dough into a log (like you would cinnamon rolls).  Cut into 4 - 6 equal pieces.
    7. Set these pieces in a muffin pan filled with paper muffin cups. You can sit them upright like cinnamon rolls, but a traditional king cake is more like a log, Let them rest for at least 30 minutes.
    8. Bake at 375 for about 20 minutes or until brown.  Let cool.
    9. Combine powder sugar and water to get a thick glaze.  Separate the glaze into three bowls and color Mardi Gras colors. My glaze in the photo is kind of thin, but I actually like it that way!
    10. If you want to put a baby into one of these, it's really easy to pop them out of the muffin papers before you glaze them.  Just push the baby up through the bottom. DO NOT PUT THE BABY IN BEFORE YOU BAKE AND COOL THE CAKE.  That would be gross! 

    Nutrition Facts

    Amount Per Serving (serves 2, so if you made 5, a serving would be 2.5 cupcakes, which is a lot. You can half this if you only want to eat one! Also, this is for the amount of glaze I used.  You could really smother them glaze and add a ton of sugar)

    Calories: 302
    Total fat:8.9 g
    Protein: 6.9 g
    Total carbohydrate: 48.1 g
    • Dietary Fiber: 1.3 g
    • Sugar: 12.2 g

    Monday, January 21, 2013

    Is Fat the new Thin?

    JAMA just published a meta-analysis that the media has been reporting with headlines like "Thin is In, but Fat is Better."  I hate how the media treats meta-analyses as "proof" of something.  To me, a meta-analysis can cue us in on something that needs more study, but not prove that a slightly high BMI offers some sort of protective effect.

    The study authors analyzed nearly 100 studies that included more than 2.8 million people. The researchers found that obese people (particularly when BMI was over 35) had a higher all cause incidence of death than normal weight people. However, slightly overweight people (with a BMI of 25 to 30) had a lower risk of dying than people of normal weight.

    The idea of body mass index and prediction of mortality risks has been tossed around medicine forever.  It's commonly told to new interns and medical students that thin patients do worse after surgery, for example, than those that are slightly overweight.  I remember being told in rounds that seniors who are slightly overweight live longer than normal weight ones, as if it were a fact.  Intuitively, that makes sense.  If you have extra weight, you have more reserves when you get sick than someone who doesn't.  Oftentimes, thin seniors are malnourished and not physically active.  Those factors lead to increased mortality, and complications.

    It's also true that overweight people tend to get more tests and check-ups than thin people.  Even doctors sometimes look at thin people and assume they're healthy, whereas the overweight person would probably get panels of blood tests and an EKG.  That would catch things earlier. The overweight  person with high blood pressure and cholesterol might be on life prolonging-drugs before the normal weight person with the same problems.

    JAMA has an interesting commentary about the article that says that it used to be assumed that lifespan was the longest when body weight was maintained at the same level as a 25-year old with similar height and frame size.  Should we compare ourselves to our 25-year old selves?  If you've always been larger, does it confer you with some sort of protective effect?  Are some people's metabolism setup to be healthier at a larger size?  Would losing weight actually increase mortality in some?

    I don't think the JAMA article answers any of these questions, but it does question the current dogma that the ultimate goal for our health is to be thin.  What I really think needs to be said is that extremes of anything are bad.  Being "thin" can be just as bad as being "fat" if you take it to extremes.  Exercising too much can be just as bad as not exercising at all.  Eating too little can be just as bad as eating too much.

    People make snap judgements based on weight.  That heavy person must sit on their butt all day and eat chips and ice cream.  That thin person must be hitting the gym everyday and living clean.    These assumptions, that thin is fit and fat is not, are not always true.  If only obesity were that easy to cure. Unfortunately, the human body is complex and I don't even think we really understand all the elements that lead to obesity, health and fitness yet.  That slightly overweight person might be the one hitting the gym everyday and eating healthy, whole foods.  The thin one could be living off mountain dew and pop-tarts. You really never know.

    Saturday, January 19, 2013

    Body Media FIT vs FitBit at the Disney Marathon Weekend

    I love on body trackers. I've had a Fitbit for a few years now.  When I leave home without it, I feel naked.  I got a BodyMedia Fit this year for Christmas.  I always kind of wanted one, but I don't like the idea of paying for the band and then paying for the service too.  Fitbit's service is free.  The BodyMedia FIT came with a free three month trial.  Since this is my marathon season, I figured I should use it and get some data.  I'll post a full comparison of the two once I've had more time with the BodyMedia Band, but here are some of the differences in data from the marathon this past weekend. 

    One thing to note is that I got a bit chafed by the BodyMedia Fit, so I wore it for the marathon and then took it off for the rest of the day.  I've only posted data for the period that I wore both, but the "steps" on the BodyMedia data seem significantly lower.  That's because I visited a park after the marathon and I wore my fitbit, but  not the BodyMedia band. 

    Both devices give you your activity level, more or less, in  Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET).  The Fitbit translates it to easy to view colors and activity levels.  MET  is a physiological measure expressing the energy cost of activities.   It is the ratio of your metabolic rate (or energy consumption) during a specific physical activity to a reference metabolic rate.  It allows you to gauge how much energy is consumed during various physical activities.  Sedentary, sitting activties are rated at 1.0 METs, moderate exercise is about 2-4 and vigorous exercise is around 8.

    Half Marathon:

    Here are the calorie overviews of the race.  You can get specific time data for Fitbit by setting an activity record.  However, I like the colors in the general overview.

    The colors on the Fitbit graph represent activity level and loosely translate to METs.  The pink would be vigorous or very active (around 8 METs), yellow moderately active (4 METs) and blue fairly active (over 1 MET).  For me, fairly active is walking about 20-25 minute miles or the equivalent activity.  Moderate is 15-16 minute miles and very active is above that.  Cross Fit earns me vigorous activity, but just weight training at home earns me moderate.

    It's interesting to see how BodyMedia breaks it down into actual METs, but the Y axis for the graph is actually calories (which relate pretty closely to METs, since calories are a measure of energy consumption too).  You can mouse over a time period and see your METs in the acitivity center with the BodyMedia FIT.   

    Note that the Fitbit's estimated calorie consumption seems higher only because the X-Axis of the fitbit's graph is in 5 minute increments.  Bodymedia elongates the graph and uses 1 minute increments (so if you're burning 10 calories a minute, one data point of 50 looks more impressive than 5 data points of 10).  The calories burned are very similar on both (1269 vs 1392), though the BodyMedia FIT band is supposed to be more accurate. 

    You can get more detailed with the fitbit by setting up an activity record.  It will show pace, elevation (this marathon was fairly flat so it's not very interesting...wait until March's marathon.  I'll show you that one) and more.


    The remarkable thing is the pace and distance figured up by the Fitbit is pretty close to what my Garmin calculated and pretty close to my timing chip.  I find the Fitbit's pace calculation is less accurate over short distances.  It uses stride length.  That varies, but averages over a longer distance.  Even over short distances, it normally does a pretty decent job.

    The BodyMedia FIT has some neat color coding as well. This is the daily overview.



    Here's what marathon data looks like like with these devices.

    You can tell the difference between running a marathon steps and visiting a park afterwards steps. No pink in those afterwards steps, which shows you that "I walk all day at work" steps probably aren't very high METs.  If you're noticing the activity spurt at the end of the day, it's because I noticed I had 70,000 steps and I wanted to know what the highest Fitbit badge was.  A staff member told me it was 70,000, but Fitbit always displays your "next highest" badge and it was displaying a 75,000 step badge.  I ran a quick few miles around the hotel to see if there was a badge after that.  Turns out that 75,000 is the highest possible badge (as of Jan 2013).

    Just for fun, I'll show you this graph.  I spent all day Monday in the Magic Kingdom and walked about 10 miles, almost a half marathon.  However, look at the METs.  It's nothing compared to the actual half marathon.

    So, "walking around the house" or work probably won't help with physical fitness or weight loss as much as pointed physical activity. You just don't get the amount of metabolic push needed with these moderate activities.  Believe me, you don't feel like treking around the Magic Kingdom is taking it easy.  I think my feet and legs hurt more after walking around the parks than after walking the whole marathon.  However, I don't think I got much physical benefit from it.  You probably need to at least be doing moderate activity to get any really health benefits. 

    It's arguable, and backed by some good data, that running marathons is bad for your heart too.  So, you probably want to shoot for somewhere between the two graphs in your daily life.  I like that these trackers do keep us mindful of exactly what our daily activity amounts too.  I think sometimes we give ourself too much credit for being "active" when we're not.

    Disney 20th Anniversary Marathon Weekend 2013

    Bling Shot

    I've done several marathons and half marathons and the Disney has been the most fun so far.  I did the Goofy, which is a half marathon on Saturday and a whole marathon on Sunday. I went into it thinking I was going to try for a PR in the whole, and goof off during the half.  During the half, it became clear that with the mid-80s weather and humidity, that wasn't going to happen. It was the hottest Disney marathon ever, according to an official I talked to.  So, I just decided to have fun.  I'm not built for speed anyway.

    The Disney marathon is great if you love Disney World. I would do it again (it's costly).  The marathon takes you through all four parks (the half just went to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot) and all around Disney property.  I didn't think enough of it was in the parks, but I guess that can't be helped.  The best parts were inside the parks.  The worst part was the additional loop through ESPN World of Sports at around mile 18.  I'm not sure what those miles were like last year, but that part was brutal for me.

    The half and the whole started pretty much the same.  The first few miles you make your way to the Magic Kingdom.  It was dark at this point, and not that hot at all.  During the half, I slipped off some uneven pavement and fell a little.  I thought I twisted my ankle, but thankfully it seemed ok.  During the whole, I stayed away from the edges.

    Magic Kingdom

    I'm Tinkerbell
    The fun part came at around mile 6 when you entered the Magic Kingdom and got to run through Cinderella's Castle.  The park was filled with spectators cheering you along, yelling out "Go Merida" (I was dressed as Merida from "Brave"), and holding up fun signs ("Sweat is liquid Awesome", "What do you mean this isn't the 3:00 parade?", "I'm a stranger, and I'm proud of you.").  The crowds in the parks were really uplifting.  You didn't really need it at mile 6, but it was still nice.

    At this point in the race, I had decided not to stop for photos, though there were a few characters here and there for runners to stop and meet.  I remember Jack Sparrow, Ariel, Buzz Lightyear, Alice and Mickey and Minnie dressed as king and queen.

    The Speedway

    Attention runners, course narrows ahead.  It narrows right to the Walt Disney World Speedway.  The speedway was a new edition this year and it was great.  I loved it.  I can't imagine doing the long loop between the Magic Kingdom (mile 6) and Animal Kingdom (mile 10) without some sort of distraction.  You're in Disney.  Why not run somewhere fun?  There have always been character stops along the way to Animal Kingdom, from what I understand, but I think the race looked pretty boring before they added this section.  Lightening McQueen was hanging out with some classic cars.   This was probably my second or third favorite part of the race. 

    Animal Kingdom
    You gotta stop for Mickey.

    I love Animal Kingdom and I was a little disappointed that this loop (mile 10-13) was so short.  Animal Kingdom is Disney's largest park. It deserves more mileage.  It was also this part of the trek that I was getting hot and thought I should cut back my effort.  As I cut back, a runner jogged up next to me and asked my pace.  I told her I was doing 14-15 minute miles, and I was just going to take it easy.  She asked if we could run together since I seemed to be keeping a consistent pace (I had two Garmins - I'm a geek). That was fine.  We talked a bit about the last Disney race, since she ran in it. Then I saw Rafaki, and he didn't have a line.  I stopped for a photo and figured I would catch up, because I wasn't  tired and I can run a lot quicker than I was running.  I never saw her again, because I stopped quite a bit more after that.  Oh well.  Sorry, if you read this.  I hope you finished in the time you wanted to finish in!

    I think my phone said it was 85 degrees when I stopped to take a photo with Rafaki.  I decided that it was too hot, and if I'm going to have a photo with Rafaki, I need to get Minnie and Daisy (dressed in safari gear), and Mickey and Pluto, and a few more too.  From then on, my time flew out the window.  That's what Disney is about though.  If I hadn't stopped for the photos, I don't think I would have had as good a time.  I decided after Mickey (his line was about 20 minutes long) that as long as I finished in under 7 hours so I qualified for my Goofy medal, I would be ok.

    Animal Kingdom also had some petting zoo animals on the route and it took us "behind" some parts of Animal Kingdom (before then I think I we went by some sort of waste plant.  It smelled even to me, and I'm used to working with animals).  Expedition Everest was open and runners got a "fast pass" to ride it.  It was a real blast.

    ESPN World of Sports
    This is how I felt at ESPN, though it was taken earlier in the race.
    Contrast the "blast" of Animal Kingdom to the cruel and unusual punishment of ESPN World of Sports.  What was Disney thinking adding this?  This was new this year too, and it was awful. Though, I've read that other runners enjoyed it (could be the old route was even worse), this was the only part of the course that I felt overheated and sick. It might have actually been fun if it wasn't so hot.  There was no cloud cover and tons of concrete on the way to World of Sports, I'm sure that didn't help, but there was also very little in the way of shade at World of Sports.  We got to run around the baseball field, but I didn't even pay attention to the announcer or the crowd at that point.  I always thought I was too slow to "hit the wall," but around mile 18,  I did.  I could barely see straight.  I was thinking of trying to find a medical tent.  A water and banana stop came just in time.  After some Powerade and a banana, I felt ready to go again.  Thank goodness, because the special 20 mile spectacular Disney promised was right around the corner.  I couldn't bail out before that!  I was so excited to see what it would be.  A band?  A party?  A parade or fireworks?  Something only Disney could imagine, right? OMG I CANNOT WAIT! It's right around the corner . . .

    The 20-mile Spectacular
    Can my wish be for something more spectacular than this?

    Uh wait, this is the spectacular, or should we say not so spectacular?  The big deal at mile 20 ended up being a bunch of Disney character puppets on stilts.  Lumiere, Genie, Mike and Sebastian were there and Mickey, Minnie and Pluto were dancing next to a 20th Anniversary banner.  Had it not been built up so much, I think it would have been a cool stop, but I was disappointed.  On the other hand, I think my total disappointment in this spectacular gave me a second wind, so maybe Disney knew what they were doing.  Or maybe the banana was kicking in. I'm going for the banana at this point.

    Up the road from this was the more spectacular army man from Toy Story.  He was yelling out insults and inspiration, "This isn't a walk, soldier, it's a run.  Pick up the pace." "You can do it, soldier.  It's right around the corner."  He should have told the Disney folks their spectacular's pace needed to be picked up.  He was awesome.

    Hollywood Studios
    I think I'm still looking for the great 20 mile spectacular...is it over here? Anyone seen it?

    This loop is too short too.  It's about mile 20-23.  Just enough to snap some photos of the iconic Sorcerer's hat and run through part of the backlot tour.  This area was at least shady and a little cooler, but people were starting to give up  by this point.  Everyone was walking.  When we walked through the backlot, I actually got up on the sidewalk and ran past everyone, because there was no getting around them otherwise and I was afraid I'd finish in more than 7 hours.

    This is the point in the race where I only had about 26 minutes to spare if I kept consistent 16 minute miles from that point on.  A 16 minute mile is not hard to keep, but the people in front of me were walking 20-25 minute miles.  Everyone was beat.  I had read they check times, and will deny your Goofy medal if you're over 7 hours.  I wasn't going to make it to mile 20 only to get denied.  So, I started politely cutting through, trying to get passed people and obsessively checking my Garmin questioning "How many minutes a mile do I have to do?"  I was so frustrated.

    After that we headed to the Boardwalk where there was no getting around people.  ARG!  I was so frustrated. I had saved a push for the end, just in case I needed it to get in under 7 hours and I wasn't going to be able to push through the crowd.

    I look Goofy here, but Spaceship Earth is AWESOME.  Plus, I think I'm dying from heat stroke in that costume. 
    This is the half.
    Epcot was my favorite part of the half marathon.  Seeing Spaceship Earth almost brought me to tears.  I've seen it before, but something about that morning made it special.  It reminded me of watching Walt on television talk about it, and talk about Epcot being the city of the future.  I get that every time I get near the great geodesic dome that is Spaceship Earth, but this was different. I can't explain it. I never get emotional at races.  The morning of the half, I did.  I was running through Epcot.  Awesome.

    I can't say I felt the same way during the whole.  I was freaking out.  I knew there were less than 2 miles left and it looked like I wasn't going to get my Goofy medal.  I told myself I didn't really care.  Running this was about the experience and didn't I have fun?  Who cares about a medal?  But I did care. No amount of talking myself out of it would keep me from caring. I wanted my medal!  I pushed and pushed through the crowds of people.  I understood. It was hot.  Many of these people had been training in freezing weather and snow.  I wasn't upset with them.  I was frustrated at myself for stopping so much.  I was upset that I didn't run more and walk less.  I had 15 minutes to do the last bit and Jimney Crickets, I was going to do it.  I was going through a scenario in my head where they denied me the medal, and I argued that I deserved it, because walkers wouldn't move to the right, the course was too crowded, etc.

    I ended up coming in at something like 6:54:07.  When I saw the time on the clock, I was so relieved (the time on the clock was actually a little over 7 because of the corrals, but I knew what I started).  I did it! I ran up to the lady and got my Mickey medal and asked where to go for Goofy.
    The most grateful I've ever been for such a craptastic finish time!

    Then they didn't even check times.  They saw my Goofy bib and motioned me over, "Here's your goofy medal."  I don't really care that they didn't check times, but had I known that I wouldn't have tried so hard.  I guess I'm happy I did because now I really earned the Goofy.  Had I came in at 7:15, I probably would have thought I didn't deserve it.

    Overall, it was a really fun race.  I would do it again, but I think I need to aim a little higher next time.  I set my Garmin on a 15 minute mile pace, thinking that if I at least kept up with that, with all the stopping and stuff,  I would be fine.  I should have set it on 13 or 14.  That would have given me more running time and a little more buffer at the end.  On the other hand, I felt great and walked all the parks in the three days after the race.
    This is at Chef Mickey's, but Goofy got a kick out of my medal there too.  I told him I'd been looking for him all day!

    Wearing your medal around Disney is a lot of fun.  Even the characters notice.  Goofy flagged me over in Epcot when I waved at him and he noticed my medal.  He pointed at it and gave me a big Goofy hug.  Donald refused to be photographed with the Mickey Medal and only wanted the Donald one.  All the park staff make you feel like a hero too, telling you congratulations. I'm not normally one to wear a race medal after leaving the race, but this was too fun not to wear.  Heck, I want to wear it everyday.

    I'll post some stats from my various body trackers within the coming days to compare them.  I think that will be fun.  My Garmin died right before the finish, so it will incomplete, but I also wore a fitbit and a Bodymedia band.